Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Task Number 1 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

NPM            : 23210979
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1.     Do you agree or disagree with the following statement ? grades (marks) encourage student to learn. Use the specific reason and example to support your opinion.

My reason of the above

Most of the students thought that the grades obtained in school is her own motivation in studying. Good grades is usually a reference for students to be able to continue to study. However, the impact of the grade is able to make the students to get good grades in any way. Even the teachers in schools is still too much to “impose” itself so that students can achieve a good grades to be the name of a good school, such as the national final examination.
No students who do not want to get a good grades. Some are acquired by studying a no-nonsense, but some are just hoping to get a grades value only by means of “instant”. Various methods can be used for students to be able to obtain a good grades. such as cheating, peering textbooks, browshing and others. This resulted in students being passive and not interpret the knowledge gained during the studying process.
The government also continues to raise the national final graduation exam so that students can be motivated to achieve grades exceeds the standards set. Many ways in which teachers in the school to encourage students to study harder. Adding classes, discussing material that difficult to understand students, to ways of “dirty” was performed as providing an answer key at the national final exam, or ask to buy the answer key to certain elements in order to achieve good grades.
So in conclusion, the grades does not fully encourage students to study even harder. Factors to be around student life greatly affect students motivation to study in addition to the grades of the study of teachers in schools.

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